

    Virginia Orrison was admitted to OVMC last Wednesday evening in a weakened condition. Shelli Glasgow is experiencing considerable pain as she continues her recovery at home from recent back surgery.    Ethel Kent is to consult with her oncologist to make sure the spot on her lung is okay.  Otherwise, her recovery is going well.

Bill Miller will have his thyroid gland removed once the surgery can be scheduled.  Vera Perry is undergoing pre-op in preparation for her Nov. 3rd hip replacement surgery.  Dot Saunders’ doctors have told her the problem she has been experiencing with her hip will not require surgery.

Jodie Tschappat, Elaine Sambuco’s sister-in-law, who has been battling MS for several years, was admitted to OVMC last Wednesday with swelling in her legs and feet.  Randy Gates, Judy Hutson’s brother, has had to start dialysis due to advanced diabetes.

It was so good to have Ray and Dana Ramsey back with us last Sunday following Ray’s long recovery from an automobile accident last spring and Dana’s recovery from her bout with shingles.

The following need our continued prayers…Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Larry Hay [Tiffany (Swallie) Hay’s brother-in-law], Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter),  Peg Spielvogel, Brenda Stillion (Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister), Vonda Swisher,  Mary Taylor,  Chelsea Turner and Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother).

Let’s continue praying for those who are expecting additions to their families within the next few months…Leslie Huffman (February), Ashley McKeen (March), Terra Blacker (April)  and Carrie Lucas (April).

Let’s continue to encourage those who are unable to worship with us regularly…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisoline, Joanne Wallner, Bill White and Ann Witchey.


Our military personnel continue to need our prayerful support… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).


Last Sunday morning, Vera Perry publicly responded to the Lord’s invitation to apologize for sin in her life which has affected the church family and to request our prayers for the emotional and physical strength to deal with her upcoming Nov. 3rd hip replacement surgery.


We congratulate Rebecca Santini and Justin Burchett on their being united in marriage yesterday afternoon.


We extend our genuine sympathy to Kay Bass and Mary Bass in the death of Kay’s uncle and Mary’s brother-in-law, Paul Bass, last Sunday.  His funeral was Tuesday in Bellaire.

We also extend our sympathy to Amy Nestor in last Wednesday’s death of her cousin, Kevin Smith, of Bethesda.


All our shepherds, deacons and preachers will meet in the MP Room today at 4:30 for their bi-monthly meeting.  The deacons are reminded to bring their recommended budgets for 2012 if they have not submitted them to the shepherds yet.


Last Sunday, a new outreach ministry began called the “Missional Engagement Group.”  The group will meet weekly to discuss ways to improve our outreach to the community and to pray that the Lord will guide and bless that outreach.  Everyone is invited to meet tomorrow evening at 6:30 to continue praying and discussing ways of reaching out more effectively. (Listen to the announcements today for the location. Contact Brian Games for more information.)


Everett will be on vacation this coming week.  Brad will present both the morning and evening sermons next Sunday.  Everett is planning to return to the office on Monday, Oct. 24.


The annual retreat for our youth will be the weekend of Nov. 11-13 at Grand Vue Park in Moundsville.  Contact Brad or Brian for more details.


All the sermons preached here at St.C. can now be heard on our website www.StCChurch.org.  On the website, click on “Media,” then on “Sermons” and choose the sermon you want to hear.


Please add Nelva Lattocha’s Oct. 24th Birthday and Steve & Nelva’s Oct. 27th Anniversary (their 50th) to this month’s calendar.  We apologize for the omissions.


We have little less than a month to fill the cans with coins and paper money to help with the support of the children who live at Potter Children’s Home.  The deadline for returning the cans is Nov. 13.


Dr. Harold Shank, the new President of Ohio Valley University located in Parkersburg, WV, will be at the fellowship hall of the Wheeling congregation on National Rd. Monday, Oct. 24, at 7:00 to provide everyone in the local area an opportunity to become acquainted with him.  If you are interested in attending, please let Everett know.


The East Main church in Barnesville will be sponsoring a presentation on “Internet Safety for Adults & Children,” Nov. 5 @ the Barnesville Senior Center, 4-6 p.m. (See the bulletin board for more details.)


The Christian faith rests on the resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Did Jesus really rise from the dead? In next week’s lesson, “The Resurrection,” Phil Sanders will re-examine the evidence for the greatest event of all history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The nationally televised program can be viewed locally every Sunday on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.








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