

As the bulletin was being printed, Lenny Hungerman remained in critical condition in EORH.  Vera Perry was to undergo hip replacement surgery last Thursday in Columbus.  There was a possibility she would return home Friday or yesterday. Marlene Trisolene was hospitalized in Wheeling Hospital last week with chest pains.  Jerry Moore  is doing better following a rough couple of weeks of recovery from the recent insertion of the extended stent in his lower arteries.  Joy Yontz is doing well after the removal of the screws from her ankle on Dec. 28.   Mike Tribbie is now home as he continues to recuperate from the recent amputation of his leg.  Kristen Higgenbotham is waiting for the results of last Tuesday’s biopsy on her liver.

Ilse Burkett, Peg Spielvogel’s mother, is doing very well following her recent brain surgery. Ben Hendershot, Kay Sowinski’s cousin, was released from the hospital early last week and is now recovering at home from his recent burns.

Our prayers continue to be needed for those for whom our prayerful support has been requested recently…Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Darlene Engler (Harold Hudson’s niece),  Jackie Huntsman, Shelli Glasgow, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Ray Ramsay, Brenda Stillion (Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister) and Peg Spielvogel.


Please continue your prayers for our expectant parents and their babies…Leslie Huffman (a boy in February), Ashley McKeen (a girl in March), Terra Blacker (a boy in April), Carrie Lucas (a girl in April) and Amy Higgins (May).

We rejoice with the recent news that Tim & Lindsay McKeen are expecting their first child in July.


Those who are unable to worship with us regularly need our continued prayers, cards, visits and encouragement…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Bill Richards, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Joanne Wallner and  Bill White.


Let’s continue our prayerful support for those from our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military … Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).  Matt Randolph’s father, 1 SG William J Randolph is serving in Afghanistan.

RETURNING TO COLLEGE                  

After taking the past year off from college while he fought leukemia, Kevin Kalany is returning to Akron University this weekend.  We are thankful God has brought him to this point in his recovery and we pray that He will continue to bless Kevin with good health.

Let’s continue to pray for all of our college students as they return to their studies after being home for the holidays.

Brad Schrum is in North Carolina this week as a part of his Masters’ Program.  He is planning to return to town late Thursday evening.


We congratulate Julianna Sowinski and Matt Randolph on their recent engagement to be married.  A date has not been set yet.  Matt traveled to California last week to spend some time with his family before returning to college in Oklahoma.


Following an abbreviated worship service this evening, there will be a Congregational Meeting during which our shepherds will present the 2012 Budget as well as other updates.


Everyone is invited to meet in the MP Room following this evening’s worship service and congregational meeting to honor those with birthdays or wedding anniversaries in January.  Care Group C will be in charge of the arrangements.


If you would like to contribute toward the purchase of a car seat for Paul & Leslie Huffman’s baby boy who is due in February, please give your money to Amy Games or Linda Gooch by Sunday, Jan. 22.  Any extra money collected  will be given to Paul & Leslie to be used for additional  items for their new son.


Last Tuesday, Bill and Joan Rodak left to spend the winter with their daughter in Florida.  They are planning on returning to Ohio in March.

Dot Saunders and her husband, Bill, are planning to leave for Arizona the middle part of this coming week.  They plan to return sometime in the spring.


Large girls tops and pants or small adult size clothing are needed for a girl who is going through a difficult time in her life.  Pants with thick elastic bands or clothing which “gives” is needed.  Please contact Pat Corder for further information.


God enriched our lives by giving us His heart and mind in the Bible, His inspired Word. We can trust the Bible as the sacred and authoritative path to life and godliness because we can trust the God who inspired it.  The benefits of following His Word will be discussed in the lesson, “God’s Inspired Word.” during next Sunday’s broadcast.  The program can be seen  Sundays on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.



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