

Jeff Bigler is to undergo back surgery tomorrow in UPMC in Pittsburgh to fuse his spine. Nancy Hudson fell and broke her wrist last Wednesday.  Wilda Freeland continues to undergo physical therapy in Wheeling Hospital.  Eleanor Palimetakis is doing well in her recovery from recent colon surgery.  Clyde Carpenter continues to experience respiratory difficulties. Florence Stenger, Joe’s mother, is in a weakened condition at home. Val Roxby, the preacher for the East Main church in Barnesville, is doing very well in his recovery from recent heart bypass surgery.  Mike Trabert, a friend of Everett & Judy Hutson’s, is in UPMC in Pittsburgh where he is being treated for serious complications related to a mine accident a few months ago.  Barbara Mowder, the wife of Jim Mowder who has preached here several times through the years, is in a very weakened condition at home.

Please continue your prayers for the following for whom our prayerful support has been requested recently … Sue Beisel, Gail Bigler, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Kelly Hupp and her family,  Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Kevin Kalany, Jackie Martz (friend of Donna Hirauk), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, cancer), Pearl Roy, Peg Spielvogel,  Sue Wirsing, Jerry Yost  (preacher for the Duffy congregation in Acuity in Belmont Community Hospital) and Mary Zink.


Our shut-ins continue to need our prayers and encouragement…Evelyn Barker, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.


We appreciate those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the military.  Let’s continue our prayers for their safety…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father),  Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


We just learned last week that Jeff & Gail Bigler are going to be grandparents again.  Their daughter, Becky Inman, and her husband, Kevin, are expecting an addition to their family in August.


Everyone is invited to return this evening for our worship service and to remain afterwards for a period of refreshments and informal fellowship in the MP Room as we honor those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in January.  Care Group A will be in charge of the preparations and clean up afterwards.


If you are interested in contributing in any way to making this coming summer’s Vacation Bible School more effective, be sure to attend the organizational meeting at 4:30 next Sunday in the MP Room.  The tentative dates for this summer’s VBS are August 5-9.


Copies of the 2013 Budget are still available on the table in the foyer.


The events of our lives can sometimes be both harsh and mysterious to us. We don’t know at the time why bad things happen. However, time has a way of helping us to see the hand of the Lord working in our lives. In next week’s lesson, “Meant For Good,” Phil Sanders will examine more closely how the Lord works in our lives.  The weekly program can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.


     Do you have some used eyeglasses (especially ones for reading) lying around or stuffed in a drawer?  If so, and you would like to send them to someone who can use them, bring them and put them in the box on the table in the hallway.  .

There is also a box at the same location for used ink cartridges from inkjet printers and fax machines to help the children at the Shulz-Lewis Children’s Home in Valparaiso, IN.

“Box Tops for Education” and “Campbell’s Labels for Education” are needed by Mid-Western Children’s Home.

Any Greeting Card fronts (except Christmas cards) are needed as well.

If you want to help with any of these ongoing ministries, please bring the items and place them in the appropriate containers on the table in the hallway.





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