1.31.16 Bulletin
New requests & updates: Freddy Bahmer (1st grade student of Leah Hannahs) has a lytic lesion on his knee and had intense surgery to remove it. Stephanie Benham is now home, but still experiencing headaches. Alicia Estadt was admitted to Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital due to an on-going migraine. Steve Hildabrand (our contractor) had emergency back surgery. He is doing well. Sherry Khun is in ICU in North Carolina with a major brain bleed. Sherry was the Phys. Ed teacher at UL. Becky McCoy (Pat Rice’s daughter) is struggling and in need of encouragement. Cards can be sent to the Rices’ address. Pat Rice’s chest (where she had open heart surgery) opened up again, but it has been repaired. Stephanie Tweedlie (friend of Bruce Stanford) had part of a lung removed. Sergio Vilano has pneumonia. Betty Vitale (Carrie Heatherington’s sister) has brain cancer and is not expected to live much longer.
On-going prayers needed: Evelyn Barker, Jim Bass. Barbara Brewer, Gerri Cross (the mother of Darin and Kim Clark’s brother-in-law), Bob Digiandomenico, Tracy Hamilton (friend of Bob Digiandomenico), Chad Hunstman, Janie Judge, Molly Leonard (Burkhart’s daughter), Katey Leonard (Molly’s Leonard’s daughter), Melissa Lott, Jill Pritchette (Bob Digiandomenico’s friend), Alice Shunk, Sandy Stanford (Bruce’s sister-in-law), Mike Slatt, Jimmy Thrash, Lori Witchey (Barb Tetlow’s daughter), Joan Wolfgong & Kelli Zafer (Chris Bunner’s sister) & her baby, Tomay.
IN THE MILITARY: Please pray for those who are serving in the military: C.J. Harding (Terry Fitch’s step-son), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) and Tyrell Watson (Riley’s husband).
EXPECTANT MOTHERS: Please keep our expectant mother(s) in your prayers: Amanda Schrum (Feb. 13th) and Jenna Frye (March). News & Notes SYMPATHY Our sympathy is extended to Chris Davis and his family at the death of his grandfather, Dallas Kemp who passed away last Monday. We also extend our sympathy to Paula Schmidli and her family, at the passing of her uncle Randy Gates (Judy Hutson’s brother).
MINISTRY MEETING: There will be ministry meeting for the deacons, shepherds, and ministers this afternoon at 4:30.
5th SUNDAY CONTRIBUTION: Because today is a “5th Sunday,” all our contribution will go toward the building project.
WOMEN’S BIBLE STUDY: The Women’s Bible Study will be meeting on Tuesday, at 6pm (weather-permitting).
BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION: Jimmy and Jennifer Thrash will be celebrating their birthday on Feb. 6 at the Ohio Valley Mall and have invited the congregation to celebrate with them. Please sign the sheet on the bulletin board in the back if you plan to attend.
HEARING ASSISTANCE DEVICES: We have hearing assistance devices available to help hear what is being said over the PA system. If you would like to try one, see one of the ushers. They are in the back of the fellowship hall.
CONSTRUCTION PHOTOS: Photos of the on-going construction are available on the church website. The link is in the top menu on the homepage. They are updated regularly.
CALLING CHAIN: Calling Chain Lists are available on the table in the back (near the restrooms). Please make sure you have an up-to-date copy.
CHOOSING TO SERVE: One of the best ways to grow in your faith is to get involved. Here are just a few ways you can get plugged in! Praying for those who are sick and hurting & writing cards for them. Take food or provide other assistance to the sick and those who are grieving. Go out of your way to welcome guests. in our worship gatherings. Volunteer to teach or assist in our Children’s Ministry. No experience needed, just a willingness to serve! Visit our shut-ins to encourage them. Come up with creative ways we can fulfill our mission to love God and to love people. Be active in telling the good news and loving people in practical & intentional ways. tangible ways as you go through your normal rhythm of life. Participate in the Ministry of Encouragement. Give old eye glasses, ink cartridges, greeting cards, “Box Tops & Campbell’s Labels for Education, for various ministries.