

As the bulletin was being printed, Pam Thrash was in critical condition in Wheeling Hospital with a major blood clot blocking the flow of oxygen to her brain.  Alicia Estadt who has been worshipping with us for the past few months had to be taken to the emergency room last Wednesday after suffering a seizure during services. She is now home and doing well.  Mary Zink will undergo two additional tests later this month for the poor circulation in her legs.  Kevin Kalany is experiencing problems as his medications continue to be adjusted.  Cheryl Parris, Joe Schmidli’s cousin, was scheduled for a double mastectomy last Thursday.

Tom Denney, Homer & Linda’s son, is now home and continuing to improve following recent hospitalization.  Last Wednesday, Paul Moore, Brenda Sponhaltz’s brother-in-law, was transferred to Trinity Hospice located at Trinity East Hospital in Steubenville. Frankie-Lee Carnes, Amanda Schrum’s grandmother, is recovering from a broken vertebrae which she experienced in a recent fall.    Jerry Yost, the preacher for the Duffy congregation, remains in serious condition in Belmont Community Hospital.   Ruth Watkins, Charlotte Patton’s employer, is having difficulty in her recovery from a sprained ankle.  Nellie Wagner, Dorothy Nice’s sister, is recovering from last Tuesday’s open heart surgery in Morgantown.

Our prayers continue to be needed for Jeff Bigler, Clyde Carpenter, Susan Foy (Bill Rice’s niece, cancer), Brian Games, Justin Glasgow, Ryan Higgins (Amy’s husband), Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Judy Kinemond  (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law, cancer), Arlene Kopyar,  Steve Lattocha, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter, cancer), Pearl Roy, Peg Spielvogel, Jimmie Thrash,  Sue Wirsing  and Jill Zatezalo.

Leslie Judge is scheduled to deliver “Baby Judge #2” tomorrow in Wheeling Hospital.

Please continue praying for our shut-ins…Evelyn Barker, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Harry Schrum, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Our military personnel need our prayers…Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Bill Randolph (Matt’s father). Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son).


We express our deepest sympathy to Dorothy Nice in last Tuesday’s death of her nephew, Michael Joiner in Alabama after a long battle with brain cancer.


    Last Wednesday evening, Joe Schmidli responded to the invitation to request our prayers for strength to help him overcome some difficulties he has been experiencing in fighting some sins in his life.

     Michaela Hinkle also responded requesting our prayers for help in dealing with various difficulties in her life.


We are looking forward to this morning’s service which has been planned to help us focus more clearly on the sacrifice the Lord made for us.  The Lord’s Supper will not be observed until toward the end of our service.  We pray that the entire service will enhance our appreciation for the deep love our Lord has for us and what that love cost Him.


Following this evening’s worship service, everyone is invited to meet in the MP Room for the Bridal Shower for Jerry & Kelley Hatcher which will be held in conjunction with our Monthly Fellowship during which we will honor those with birthdays or wedding anniversaries in December.  Care Group A is in charge of the Bridal Shower and Care Group B is in charge of the preparation and clean-up for the Fellowship.


The ladies involved in our Quilting For Missions Ministry meet on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. in the MP Room.


The Winter Quarter for our Bible Classes begins this morning.  The present teachers are reminded to return their teaching manuals and reusable materials to the table outside Brad’s office.


The Young Adults Class will resume this morning in the MP Room and this coming Wednesday evening as well.  They will be studying “Psalms.”


All the men and boys are invited to the Monthly Men’s Breakfast this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Eat ‘N Park.


We are scheduled to lead the worship service for the residents at Forest Hills next Sunday at 2:30.


The fourth quarter Congregational Meeting during which the 2013 Budget will be presented will be held following the Sunday evening service on Dec. 16.  The shepherds, deacons and preachers will meet in the MP Room for their bi-monthly meeting at 4:30 the same day.


We still need someone to prepare the Lord’s Supper during next June or September.  If you can help, please sign the list on the bulletin board.


Teams 3 & 4 will lead our Ministry of Encouragement for the next two weeks.


This evening is the deadline for returning the cans of coins for “Potter Children’s Home.”  The representative is due to be here this coming Thursday morning to pick them up.  If you would like to give additional cash or a check, please give it to Everett by Wednesday evening.  Please make the checks payable to “Potter Children’s Home.”


In studying the grace of God, we can learn much about daily living and being the kind of person God wants us to be.  Phil Sanders’ lesson for next week is “What Grace Teaches.” The program can be viewed every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.




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