

Edie Roberts was scheduled for surgery to repair a hernia last Thursday in OVMC.  Peg Spielvogel is scheduled to have a device surgically installed in her back  in Morgantown on April 30 to help relieve the pain in that area. Brian Games is traveling to Morgantown four days each week for outpatient therapy.  Clyde Carpenter has not been feeling well the past several days.  Tyler Pinkston, Sheri’s son, is recovering at home from last Tuesday’s surgery to remove his appendix.  Justin Gallagher continues to battle respiratory problems.

Joanne Wallner is now home after being hospitalized for cellulitis in hr legs.  Her husband, Max, is also home after hospitalization for a blood clot in one of his legs. Marilyn Findley, Carolyn Campbell’s sister,  is experiencing complications related to her liver.   Tamara Davis, Clyde Carpenter’s niece, is undergoing treatment for post traumatic stress related to the accidental death of her 2 1/2 year old daughter in February.

Rita Yontz, Jim’s mother, is at home waiting to be scheduled for a procedure to help relieve problems with  congestive heart failure.  John Cottage, Frank Sponhaltz’s nephew who was injured in an industrial accident a few weeks ago, is now in Acuity Hospital at Belmont Community Hospital.

Grace Randolph, Matt’s grandmother, is now at home.  Adam Shanks, a friend of the Voscavitches, is recovering from  injuries in an automobile accident 2 weeks ago.  Nancy Hastings, a Christian neighbor of Skip Gooch’s sister in Albuquerque, NM, is recovering from her April 13th heart attack.    Chuck Snider, the Clarks’ neighbor, is in Wheeling Hospital recovering from a stroke which may have caused some brain damage.  Dave Koonce, Kay Sowinski’s uncle, is in EORH with a severe infection in his hand.

The following for whom our prayers have been requested continue to need our support..Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Holly Bine (Pat Rice’s brother), Charles Boger, Kevin Kalany, Deborah Lodge (Amber Hope’s stepmother), Shadow Momtag (student at Union Local), Vera Perry and Joy Yontz.

Let’s continue to encourage those who are unable to worship with us regularly. …Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Bill Richards, Leon & June Smith, Vonda Swisher,  Jim & Pam Thrash, Marlene Trisolene,  Bill White and Anna Witchey.


Our prayers continue to be needed for Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son) and  Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son) who are serving in the military.


Please continue praying that Amy Higgins (a boy in May) and Lindsay McKeen (a girl in July) will have healthy pregnancies and safe deliveries.


We will honor Lindsay McKeen with a Baby Shower in conjunction with the Monthly Fellowship on May 6.  She is registered at Toys R Us, Babies R Us and Target. Care Group B will be in charge of the Shower and Care Group A will be in charge of the Fellowship.


Today at 4:30, there will be a meeting of our  shepherds, deacons and preachers in the MP Room .


Our quarterly Congregational Meeting will be held following an abbreviated worship service this evening.


Since next Sunday is a “fifth-Sunday” all the contribution will go toward the retirement of the debt on the Reservoir Road property.


We will be honoring our Graduating High School Seniors during the morning service on May 27.  Please let Brad, Joyce or Everett know if you are planning to graduate.  Also give one of your Graduation Announcements and Senior pictures to Joyce by May 6.  If you are graduating from college or a technical school this spring, please let Joyce know as well.


A new defibrillator has been purchased and placed on the wall in the foyer.  If you would like to view a CD explaining its use, please contact Jeff Bigler.


All in Grades 7-College Age are invited to the annual Elmer Parsons Retreat at Tomlinson Run State Park May 18-20.  (Contact Brad for more details.)


It was good to have Dot Saunders back with us last Sunday after wintering in Arizona.


Teams 1 & 4 will lead our Ministry of Encouragement for the next two weeks.


We have 3 weeks left to collect the items which Potter Children’s Home in Bowling Green, KY, has asked us to donate.  They need French Dressing, Bottled Water and Soft-Scrub.  They also need cash donations to help with the purchase of perishable foods. The deadline is May 12.  Please place the items on the table in the hallway across from Everett’s office.


All the ladies are invited to the annual Ladies’ Inspiration Day on Saturday, May 12, at the Wheeling congregation.


There will be “Walk-A-Thon” to help raise additional funds for the Games Family in Moundsville on Saturday, May 12.  If you are interested in participating or sponsoring a participant, informational packets are available on the table in the foyer.


Every Christian longs to live eternally in heaven with God.  Heaven is a blessed place free from the pain and the sin found in this world.  However, only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life may enter.  To help his audience more intensely desire to go there, Phil Sanders has chosen “Heaven” as the topic of next week’s broadcast.  The nationally televised program can be seen locally every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, ch. 7.









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