

Bill Richards was hospitalized last week with pneumonia and congestive heart failure.  Brian Games continues to progress as he undergoes physical and occupational therapy in Lakewood Hospital. Clyde Carpenter’s heart catheterization last Monday revealed that he had some calcification around one of his valves which will necessitate open-heart surgery within a couple of weeks.  Joyce Slatt is gradually recovering from bronchitis. Vera Perry is now home recovering from her recent hip replacement surgery. Logan Cannon has been diagnosed with mononucleosis. Caden Blacker’s pneumonia has returned.  Charles Boger continues to experience severe back pain and kidney problems.  Peg Spielvogel underwent the first of three weekly tests in Morgantown last Monday in preparation for the surgical installation of a pain pack.  Sam Miller injured his knee at work last week.

Merri Jordan, the mother-in-law of David Patton (one of Wayne & Charlotte’s sons), fell and reinjured her back for which she had surgery about a year ago.  Leah Burchett, the Santinis’ newest granddaughter, continues to gain strength in West Penn Hospital.  She will remain there for another 2-3 weeks.  Kolin Dennis, a 4-year old cousin of Kay Sowinski, was in Akron children’s Hospital for several days with juvenile diabetes. Zoey Lawson, a prematurely born grandchild of one of Janet Lallathin’s co-workers, is experiencing some difficulties.

Please continue your prayerful support for those for whom our prayers have been requested recently……Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Evelyn Barker, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter),  Margaret Noling (John’s mother), Ray Ramsay, Alenka Spisska (friend of the Daley family) and Joy Yontz.

Those who are unable to worship with us regularly any longer need our prayers and our encouragement…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar,  Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Mike Tribbie, Marlene Trisolene, Joanne Wallner and  Bill White.



Let’s continue praying for those serving in the military … Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).



Our expectant mothers need our continued prayers…Ashley McKeen (a girl in March), Terra Blacker (a boy in April), Carrie Lucas (a girl in April), Amy Higgins (a boy in May) and Lindsay McKeen (July).



Our deepest sympathy is extended to Bertha Kettlewell in last Monday’s death of her sister-in-law, Patricia McFeley.  Her funeral was Thursday in Bellaire.

Our sincerest sympathy is also extended to Harold Hudson in last Wednesday’s death of his niece, Darlene Engler, in Warren


We congratulate Paul & Leslie Huffman on last Tuesday’s birth of their son, Isaac Nicholas, who entered the world weighing 7 lbs. 14 oz. and measuring 21 inches.  They are home and doing well.

We congratulate Bill & Arlene Kopyar on  the birth of their newest great grandchild, Braxton Robert, who was born to Amy & Brian Hinebaugh last Sunday. He weighed 8 1/2 lbs.



We were happy to hear last Sunday that Nettie Hartung has expressed her desire to serve with our church family under our shepherds’ oversight.  Later, her husband, Ernie, also expressed the same desire.    They reside at 52690 Jungle Inn Rd.; St. Clairsville, OH 740-391-6695. We welcome both Ernie & Nettie into our fellowship. They will be in Care Group B.



We rejoice with the additions of Amy Randolph and Joe Hamm to the family of God.   Both were baptized into Christ last Monday evening.  Amy’s address is 7021 Rancho Mirage Court; Citrus Heights, CA 95621. Amy returned to her home in California last week.  Joe resides at 69459 Heil Lane Rd.; Bridgeport, OH  43912. Ph: 678-824-4266.  Joe will be in Care Group A.



Our Monthly Fellowship for February during which we will honor those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in February will be next Sunday evening following the worship service. Care Group A will be in charge of the arrangements.


The deadline for bringing the items for the Baskets for our shut-ins is this coming Wednesday.  Please place the items on the table in the hallway.  If you have any questions, contact Carey Moore.


We are again collecting items for Care Packages for those of our church family who are in college, a technical school or the military this year.  If you would like to include some items in the care packages, please bring them by Feb. 26 and place them in the box on the table in the hallway.



March 15 is the date for our annual Teachers’ Appreciation Dinner at Mehlman’s at 6:00 p.m. If you are planning to attend,  please sign the list on the bulletin board.  As a way of demonstrating our appreciation to our teachers, their meals will be provided by the church.



If you are planning to go to Winterfest in Gatlinburg, TN, Feb. 17-19, please give your money and completed “ Emergency Medical Form” to Brad ASAP.



The petition regarding the protection of the rights of the unborn is still available in the foyer.  Be sure to follow the specific directions so your signature can be properly validated.



The Grand Central church in Vienna, WV, will be hosting the annual Jr. Youth Rally for Grades 3-6, on Saturday, April 21.  See the youth bulletin board for more info and a sign-up list.



The sermon topic for next week’s broadcast is “Faith Alone?” The program can be seen every Sunday on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.





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