

Peg Spielvogel had a temporary stimulator surgically inserted in her back in Morgantown last Wednesday.  If it’s effective, a permanent one will be inserted in 3-4 weeks.  Evelyn Barker is home after being hospitalized with an irregular heart beat.  Ray Ramsay’s leg continues to heal following recent surgery.  Marlene Trisolene has been released from the hospital where she was being treated from injuries to her legs which she suffered in 2 separate falls.

Dusty Funkhauser, one of Bunky Loy’s daughters, is to undergo surgery this coming Friday to remove a large mass which is on her bowel.  Mike Fuchs, a member of the Beallsville congregation, is recovering from broken bones he suffered in a recent ATV accident. Ilse Burkett, Peg Spielvogel’s mother, is to consult with her doctors this week regarding surgery to remove a brain aneurysm.

Fred Swann, Joyce Slatt’s brother, is now home after being hospitalized with a blood clot in one of his legs. Jodie Tschapatt, Elaine Sambuco’s sister-in-law, was hospitalized last week with a serious infection on her foot.   Miranda Baker, a 15-year daughter of one of Lisa Johnson’s co-workers, is being tested for possible lupus or leukemia.  Brenda Stillion, Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister, is continuing to weaken at home in her battle with cancer.  Darlene Engler, Harold Hudson’s niece, continues to experience serious problems with complications from recent open heart surgery.

Marilyn Findley, Carolyn Campbell’s sister, is experiencing several personal health problems as well as trying to help her husband, Archie, who is recovering from cancer surgery and a problem with one of his heart valves.  Their son was to have a cancerous lung removed last Thursday and their son-in-law was to undergo oral surgery for cancer on Friday.

Those for whom our prayers have been requested recently need our continued support: Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Allen Caldwell (Christan Thornberry’s nephew), Denise Crawford, Karen Digiandomenico, Shelli Glasgow, Craig Herwick, Kevin Kalany, Bill Kopyar, Leslie Kutchel (Amanda Schrum’s aunt), Jason Long (21-year old cousin of Becky Groves), Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Ralph Roach, Alexis & Travis Thornberry  Tammy White (Tina Hayes’ sister), Jim Yeager (Rich Daley’s cousin), and Joy Yontz.

Please continue praying that our expectant mothers will have healthy pregnancies and deliveries…Leslie Huffman (a boy in February), Ashley McKeen (a girl in March), Terra Blacker (a boy in April), Carrie Lucas (a girl in April) and Amy Higgins (May).


Our military personnel continue to need our prayerful support. … Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).


Take time this week to call, visit or write to one or more of our shut-ins…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Dorothy Kimble, Virginia Orrison (Forest Hills), Joyce Orzolek, Bill Richards, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Vonda Swisher, Jim Thrash, Mike Tribbie (Cumberland Pointe), Joanne Wallner and  Bill White.


Last Sunday, a letter from the church in Vinton, VA, was read to the congregation recommending Bill & Pat Rice to our fellowship.  We are happy to have them back with us after several years of their living in Virginia.   They will be in Care Group B.


We were saddened to see Ethel Kent leave us last week to move close to her daughter in Manassas, VA.   She will truly be missed by her St.C. church family.


All of our shepherds, deacons and preachers will meet next Sunday afternoon at 4:30 in the MP Room for their bi-monthly meeting.


Beginning with the January issue of “Heart to Heart/House to House,” we will start mailing the bi-monthly publication to the other half of the homes in the St. Clairsville-area who did not receive it during 2011. We will discontinue sending it to those who received it during 2011.  Extra copies will continue to be available in the foyer.


In lieu of a Baby Shower, we are collecting money to buy a car seat for the baby boy Paul & Leslie Huffman are expecting in February. All money raised above the purchase price will be given to them to help with additional needs.  Please give your money to Amy Games or Linda Gooch.


The Missional Engagement Group, will meet Tuesday at 6:30 p.m.  Location: TBA.


We want to invite everyone to take time out this afternoon and go to Forest Hills as we lead the worship service for the residents at 2:30.


Please add Pam Moore’s December 17th birthday to this month’s calendar. We apologize for the omission.


If you are planning to go to Winterfest in Gatlinburg, TN, Feb. 17-19, please let  Brad Schrum know by this coming Wednesday evening.


In trying to understand the nature of Scripture, it is worthwhile and even necessary to examine how the Lord Jesus views the Sacred Writings. If we know how He sees Scripture, it will help us to know how we should see them as well.  “How Jesus Viewed Scripture” is the announced topic of Phil Sanders’ lesson in next week’s program.  The broadcast can be seen locally every Sunday on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.











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