

Ethel Kent is doing well as she undergoes physical therapy in Wheeling Hospital following recent colon cancer surgery. Caden Blacker was to have a mole surgically removed from his head last Thursday. Curtis Blake had to return to Liza’s Place last Tuesday as his health continues to decline due to cancer. Bill Miller is undergoing tests on a mass on his thyroid.  Shelli Glasgow is to undergo back surgery tomorrow.  Vera Perry will undergo hip replacement surgery this coming Wednesday in Columbus.  Lee Hoffman is recovering from recent prostate surgery.  Simon Frye, Doug & Jodi’s son, was battling a very high temperature most of last week.

Dorothy McCluskey, Brad Schrum’s grandmother, is in Belmont Community Hospital undergoing physical therapy following last Sunday’s hip replacement surgery.

Dee Adams, one of our former members, is in physical therapy to strengthen her knee following recent replacement surgery.  Brenda Stillion, Angel Baker’s cousin and Karen Barbe’s sister, continues to battle cancer as it continues to spread throughout her body.   Joy Yontz has requested our prayers for Rachel Emerick, a junior at Beallsville High School, who has recently been diagnosed with cancer.

The following continue to need our prayers: Louis Bain (Kate’s husband), Gail Bigler, Bill Daley, Faith Hilton (Bunky Loy’s granddaughter), Ed Hirauk (friend of Donna Turley), Kevin Kalany, Charlotte Mason (Mae Deller’s daughter), Ray Ramsay, Tom Russell (Greg Nestor’s grandfather), Peg Spielvogel, Lauren Symanek (Wayne Patton’s niece), Chelsea Turner and .Mike Vilano, Sr.

Our expectant families need our supporting prayers…Leslie Huffman (February), Ashley McKeen (March), Terra Blacker (April),  and Carrie Lucas (April).


Let’s continue to pray for those who are unable to worship with us regularly…Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller, Wilda Freeland, Lenny Hungerman, Dorothy Kimble, Bill Kopyar, Virginia Orrison, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk (Leonard Bearup’s mother), Leon & June Smith, Ed & Bea Stelmach, Jim Thrash, Marlene Trisoline, Joanne Wallner and Bill White.


Please remember in prayer those of our church family and extended church family who are serving in the armed forces… Nathan Rodak (Bill & Joan’s grandson), Kristen Roy (Pearl Roy’s granddaughter) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son, Afghanistan).


All members of the StC church family are encouraged to attend the Quarterly Congregational Meeting following an abbreviated worship service this evening.


If your son or daughter is attending a college or technical school, please give their names, colleges and addresses to Joyce Slatt by next Sunday evening, Oct. 2.  We also want the names of those who are commuting to local schools.


All those who are interested in making our VBS ministry more effective are invited to meet in the MP Room today at 4:30.  This past summer’s VBS will be evaluated and plans will begin for next summer’s program.


All the men and boys are invited to the Monthly Breakfast this coming Saturday at 8:30 a.m. at Eat ‘N Park.


Our Monthly Fellowship during which we will honor all those with Birthdays or Wedding Anniversaries in October will be held following next Sunday evening’s worship service.  Care Group C will be in charge of the arrangements.


Teams 1 & 2 will lead our Ministry of  Encouragement for the next two weeks.


A few cans  remain on the table in the foyer for you to use to collect your loose change for the children who live at Potter Children’s Home.  The deadline for returning the full cans is Nov. 13.


If you are interested in getting together with others who are interested in praying and planning for a more effective outreach ministry, please let Brian Games know so he can begin scheduling times for us to get together.


In next week’s lesson, “The Word Was God,” Phil Sanders will begin a new series on why we should believe Jesus Is Lord! Jesus was the Divine Word of God in John 1:1. He came and dwelt among men in order to redeem mankind. For this reason God highly exalted Him so that everyone will confess that He is Lord to the glory of the Father.  The weekly program can be seen Sundays on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7, at 7:30 a.m.


Your old eyeglasses (especially ones for reading) continue to be needed for various mission points.

We are still collecting cartridges from Inkjets and Faxes to help with the support of the children who reside at the Shulz-Lewis Children’s Home in Valparaiso, Indiana.

We are collecting the fronts of used greeting cards.  (No Christmas Cards, please.)

“Box Tops for Education” and “Campbell’s Labels for Education” are needed by Mid-Western Children’s Home.

If you want to help with any of these ongoing ministries, please bring the items and place them in the appropriate containers on the table in the hallway.











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