

 Wilda Freeland has been in Wheeling Hospital for the past several days being treated for an infection.  June Smiths’ battle with Alzheimer’s is growing progressively worse.  Gail Bigler is to undergo neck surgery on Sept. 3.

    Denny Hudson, Harold’s son, underwent surgery last Monday to repair a hole in his colon. He also had his appendix and gall bladder removed.  He remains in Charleston General Hospital.  Charles Lucas,  father of Jodie Vickers and Mary Zink, is now undergoing physical therapy  in Park Health.   Albert “Sonny” Phillips, Amy Gray’s brother, has been transferred to Heartland Nursing Home where he will continue to undergo physical therapy.  Jim Chappel, a friend of Dorothy Nice, is recovering  in a Bay City, MI, hospital after having a tumor removed from his brain. Matthew Mead, the  18-year old  stepson of John Burghy’s nephew, is undergoing treatment for  brain tumors.

The following for whom our prayers have been requested recently continue to need them: Kate Bain, Karen Barbe (mobility problems), Sue Beisel, Mary Chesonis  (mother-in-law of the sister of Sue Beisel & Joy Yontz’s), Judy Kinemond (Mary Donna Wodarcyk’s daughter-in-law), Ruth Ann Miller (Nancy Miller’s sister, Parkinson’s), Mia Rathe, a 3-year old friend of the Dukes), Peg Spielvogel and Jennifer Wheeler (Amy Nestor’s mother).

Please continue to pray and encourage those who are no longer able to worship with us…Evelyn Barker, Ella Bell, Bill & Sue Daley, Mae Deller,  Bertha Kettlewell, Bill Kopyar, Joyce Orzolek, Alice Shunk, Leon & June Smith, Jim  Thrash, Marlene Trisolene and Joanne Wallner.

Please continue to pray for those who are serving in the military…C.J. Arnold (Eddie’s brother, Afghanistan), Jason Harris (Bill & Pat Rice’s son-in-law), Chad Huggins, Bill Randolph (Matt’s father), Nathan Rodak (Jay & Rhonda’s son, in Afghanistan) and Joey Stenger (Joe & Karen’s son in Kenya).


Teams 2,4&5 will lead our Ministry of  Encouragement for the next two weeks.


We will resume our summer series, “Hard Sayings and Neglected Commands” in the Adult Class this coming Wednesday as Dennie Green leads the class in a discussion of the topic, “Don’t Complain,” using Phil. 2:14,15 as the beginning text.


We want to thank everyone who helped in any way to make this year’s VBS such a great success.  A lot of you have been praying for it, planning for it, putting in long hours to make it such an effective ministry.  All of your prayers, time, energy and use of your abilities is greatly appreciated.  Let’s pray that the “seed” which was planted last week will help each student be a better servant for the Lord for the remainder of their lives.


All the shepherds, deacons and preachers will meet for their bi-monthly meeting this afternoon at 4:30 in the MP Room.


Plans are being made for another outdoor worship service on our property on Reservoir Road for next Sunday evening.  Again, we are planning to have a wiener roast.  In the event of rain, it will be postponed until the evening of August 25.


Parents, please remember to turn in a list of any award(s) your child won at any church camp this summer.  Please write their name, the camp’s name and week in which they participated and award(s) they won and give it to Everett or Joyce by this coming Wednesday, Aug. 14.

PICTORIAL DIRECTORY                    

Only 2 more weeks remain to have your picture taken for our new Church Family Pictorial Directory.  If you haven’t had your picture taken yet, please get with Brad Schrum, Joyce Slatt or Kay Sowinski by August 25.  We want to make the directory as complete as possible so it can be used to become better acquainted with each other and to help future members more easily and more quickly become acquainted with us.


All the teens are invited to the Games’ in Moundsville this coming Thursday, 7:00-9:00 p.m., for the weekly devotional.


Please add Aaron Baker’s August 4th Birthday to this month’s calendar.

Birch Gills’ Birthday is Aug. 23 (100 Richland Ave.; St.C.).


Your old eyeglasses (especially ones for reading) are needed for various mission points.

We are still collecting cartridges from Inkjets and Faxes to help with the support of the children who reside at the Shulz-Lewis Children’s Home in Valparaiso, Indiana.

We are continuing to collect the fronts of used greeting cards.  (No Christmas Cards, please.)

“Box Tops for Education” and “Campbell’s Labels for Education” are needed by Mid-Western Children’s Home.

If you want to help with any of these ongoing ministries, please bring the items and place them in the appropriate containers on the table in the hallway.


In next week’s lesson which carries the title, “Churches of Christ,” Phil Sanders will discuss with the television audience what can be expected when they visit with any church of Christ.  He will also discuss some of our beliefs, how we worship, how we are organized and why others should desire to be a member.  The weekly program can be seen every Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WTRF-TV, Ch. 7.




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